
Belief in Jesus is humanity’s only hope for restored life and ultimate healing from sin. In his kindness, God, through Jesus, has provided everything necessary for our salvation. As a result, belief in Jesus isn’t about good works or intentions. We can cease striving, find true rest, and trust in the finished work of Christ on the cross. The person and work of Jesus is the object of our faith, and all Scripture points to and is fulfilled by him.


Because we believe in Jesus, we belong to him. The Bible portrays the church not merely as something like a family, but as an actual family. When we believe in Jesus, we are truly adopted as sons and daughters of God. This means we are brothers and sisters of one another. This reality shapes who we are and how we live together as the people of God.


Because we believe in Jesus and belong to him, we are called to live as a blessing to those around us. We do this by loving our neighbors, seeking good things for our city, serving our communities, praying for and going to the nations, and making disciples of all people.